Security type | Registered share |
Nominal value | CHF 0.10 per share |
Product type | Mid & Small Caps Swiss Shares |
Listing | SIX Swiss Exchange |
Ticker symbol | SANN |
Swiss security ID | 1276028821 |
ISIN | CH1276028821 |
Index membership | SSIRT Swiss All Share Index
SXGE Swiss Performance Index SPI® SPIEX SPI Extra® SXSLI SPI ex SLI® |
Ordinary share capital | 13,514,252 |
Conditional capital in capital range | 6,041,155 |
Conditional capital for employee participation | 482,802 |
Conditional capital for financing | 4,619,091 |
Total conditional capital | 11,143,048 |
(in number of shares with nominal value CHF 0.10 per share, as per the Articles of Incorporation) |
An overview of Santhera’s share capital after repayment to Highbridge and the share acquisition by Catalyst is provided here.
The Company reports changes in its conditional capital to the SIX Swiss Exchange on a monthly basis. Such changes are in most cases the result of an exercise of share appreciation rights or stock option rights. Details are available here under “Share details”.
Significant shareholdings in Santhera can be viewed here.
Santhera has mandated to maintain the Company's share register. ag
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